
Des chercheurs de L’Hôpital d’Ottawa obtiennent 16 subventions de recherche d’une valeur de plus de 8 M$ des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada

le 3 février 2025

Seize nouveaux projets financés par les Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC) dans le cadre de leurs plus récents concours de subventions de fonctionnement sont menés par des chercheurs de L’Hôpital d’Ottawa.

Ces projets, d’une valeur supérieure à 8 millions de dollars, feront progresser la science et permettront d’améliorer la santé dans divers domaines comme les AVC, l’endométriose, le cancer de l’ovaire, le cancer du poumon, les cellules tueuses naturelles, l’engagement des patients, la schizophrénie, les thromboses associées au cancer, notamment les thromboses lors d’une chirurgie oncologique, la préadaptation, l’aldostéronisme primaire, les maladies rénales chroniques, les lésions rénales, les troubles neurodéveloppementaux, la consommation de tabac pendant la grossesse et les soins virtuels pour le traitement du cancer du sein.

Nos chercheurs codirigent également des subventions administrées par d’autres établissements d’un montant d’au moins 3 millions de dollars.

« Les subventions des IRSC demeurent essentielles à la recherche biomédicale au Canada. L’obtention d’un tel financement incarne la créativité, le professionnalisme et la collaboration de nos chercheurs et de toutes leurs équipes. Ces projets novateurs sont la pierre angulaire des avancées révolutionnaires dans le domaine des sciences biomédicales et nous permettent de concrétiser aujourd’hui les soins de demain, ici, à Ottawa et dans le monde entier », a déclaré la Dre Rebecca Auer, vice-présidente exécutive, Recherche et Innovation, à L’Hôpital d’Ottawa ainsi que de PDG et directrice scientifique de l’Institut de recherche de l’Hôpital d’Ottawa et professeure à l’Université d’Ottawa.

L’Institut de recherche de l’Hôpital d’Ottawa a obtenu un taux de succès de 27 % lors de ce concours, la moyenne nationale se situant à 21 %. L’Hôpital d’Ottawa se classe actuellement au 4e rang des hôpitaux financés par les IRSC au Canada.

Ces projets bénéficient de l’appui des ressources fondamentales en recherche à L’Hôpital d’Ottawa, comme le Centre de méthodologie d’Ottawa.

Les nouvelles subventions comprennent les suivantes :

Subventions accordées dans le cadre du concours Projet des IRSC administrées à l’IRHO

Astrocyte-derived HMGB1: a developmental switch for functional stroke recovery- $1,113,075

  • Principal Investigator(s): Lacoste, Baptiste

Ethnic and racial disparity in endometriosis pathobiology, diagnosis, and treatment -$1,055,700

  • Principal Investigator(s): Singh, Sukhbir Sony; Tsang, BK
  • Co-Investigator(s): Anglesio, MS; Asare-Werehene, M; Cook, DP; Flaxman, T; Gale, JE; Gandhi, A; Maheux-Lacroix, S; Mer, AS; Wren, J; Yong, P

Harnessing ILC2 for immunotherapy of ovarian cancer-$1,005,975

  • Principal Investigator(s): Ardolino, Michele
  • Co-Investigator(s): Cook, DP; Vanderhyden, BC

Engineered Extracellular Vesicles to Enhance Immunotherapy in Immunosuppressive Non-Small Cell Lung Cancers-$ 933,300

  • Principal Investigator(s): Ilkow, Carolina Solange; Goss, GD
  • Co-Investigator(s): Alluqmani, N; Taha, Z

A mechanistic investigation of NK cell disarming -$906,525

  • Principal Investigator(s): Ardolino, Michele
  • Co-Investigator(s): Lee, S; Marotel, MS; Treanor, B

Active Cancer Patients Having Cancer-Related Invasive Procedures or Surgery and Needing Perioperative Management of Anticoagulation Therapy (ACE-HIGH) - A Prospective Management Cohort Study-$810,900

  • Principal Investigator(s): Shaw, Joseph; Carrier, M
  • Co-Investigator(s): Abdulrehman, J; Blostein, MD; Bossé, D; Douketis, JD; Frosi Stella, S; Ramsay, TO; Schulman, S; Shivakumar, SP; Visram, A; Wang, T

Developing evidence-informed patient engagement guidance for economic evaluations (DEEP-ENGAGE)-$504,925

  • Principal Investigator(s):  Thavorn, Kednapa; Graham, ID; Hutton, BE; Presseau, J; Smith, MM
  • Co-Investigator(s): Ali, S; Bede, S; Fergusson, DA; Grant, A; Halas, M; Hawrysh, TA; Lee, KM; Nicholls, SG; Nochaiwong, S; Ollendorf, D; Petkovic, J; Richardson, MT; Riches, LM; Tarride, J; Tugwell, PS; Vesnaver, E; Walsh, DM

Describing care and improving outcomes of inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations for individuals with schizophrenia-$470,476

  • Principal Investigator(s):  Solmi, Marco; Fiedorowicz, JG
  • Co-Investigator(s): Dargél, AA; Dover, K; Li, W; Manuel, DG; Myran, D; Smith, AL; Webber, C

Development of a risk stratification score for recurrent venous thromboembolism and clinically-relevant bleeding in patients with cancer-associated venous thromboembolism. CAN-CATCH Study-$424,575

  • Principal Investigator(s): Carrier, Marc
  • Co-Investigator(s): Angelillo-Scherrer, A; Khan, F; Lazo-Langner, A; Le Gal, G; Mallick, R; Shivakumar, SP; Tagalakis, V; Vrotniakaite-Bajerciene, K; Wang, T

STRIVE before surgery trial: a pragmatic multicenter randomized trial of Structured TRaining to Improve fitness in a Virtual Environment before surgery-$ 400,000

  • Principal Investigator(s): McIsaac, Daniel I; Gillis, CA; Hallet, J; Kidd, GD; Lee, SM; Mayson, KV; Taljaard, M; Tandon, P; Wallace, T; Wijeysundera, DN
  • Co-Investigator(s): Amado, LA; Andrews, M; Aucoin, SD; Auer, RC; Barnes, K; Boet, S; Boland, LS; Breau, RH; Bryson, GL; Chesney, T; Eskander, A; Fergusson, DA; Gagné, S; Hedlin, P; Hladkowicz, E; Khadaroo, R; Lalu, MM; Lavallée, LT; Martel, G; Moloo, H; Nicholls, SG; Saha, T; Scheede-Bergdahl, C; Serrano, PE; Thavorn, K; Van Walraven, C; Vogt, KN.

Subclinical Primary Aldosteronism: An Unrecognized, Modifiable Driver of Diastolic Heart Failure-$344,250

  • Principal Investigator(s): Hundemer, Gregory; Agharazii, M; Goupil, R; Larose, E; Madore, F
  • Co-Investigator(s): Burger, DE; Kline, G; Leung, A; Piché, M; Ramsay, TO

Re(de)fining CKD to reduce cardiovascular disease in young adults-$256,274

  • Principal Investigator(s): Sood, Manish M
  • Co-Investigator(s): Akbari, A; Bi, A; Bugeja, A; Fung, S; Hundemer, G; Hussain, J; Manuel, DG; Ravani, P; Stalker, L; Sud, M; Tangri, N; Tanuseputro, P

The role of G protein receptor 84 in inflammatory kidney injury-$100,000

  • Principal Investigator(s):  Kennedy, Christopher Rj

Dissecting the role of chromatin remodelling in neocortical neurogenesis and neurodevelopmental disorders-$100,000

  • Principal Investigator(s): Mattar, Pierre Adel

The impact of tobacco smoking during pregnancy on the long-term risk of cardiovascular disease in women-$100,000

  • Principal Investigator(s): Pakhale, Smita; Coburn, V
  • Co-Investigator(s): Alvarez, GG; Ambade, PN; Boyd, R; Chin, M; Etowa, JB; Falavinha, B; Fareau, VC; Gupta, S; Jama, S; Kanji, S; Kitty, D; Krewski, DR; Luks, VP; Marshall, L; Moledina, A; Mulpuru, S; Najafizada, S; Ramsay, TO; Selby, PL; Shire, AM; Tariq, SR; Thavorn, K; To, T; Wen, S; Wong, T

Virtual care utilization and impact among individuals with breast cancer on systemic therapy: a population-based retrospective cohort study- $100,000

  • Principal Investigator(s): Van Walraven, Carl; Manuel, DG
  • Co-Investigator(s): Backman, C; Cole, KM; Engel, FD; Fisher, SL; Gibb, MA; Harrison, L; Li, W; Ng, TL; Srikanthan, A; Tanuseputro, P; Wang, T; Webber, C

Subventions accordées dans le cadre du concours Projet des IRSC avec des chercheurs principaux de l’IRHO – administrées dans un autre établissement

Pathways to Functional Cure in Chronic Hepatitis B- $3,749,969

  • Applicant(s): Coffin, Carla S
  • Co-Applicants: Cooper, Curtis L Crawley, Angela M Gehring, Adam J Jenne, Craig N; Meier-Stephenson, Vanessa Brahmania, Mayur Congly, Stephen E Doucette, Karen E; Feld, Jordan J Kelly, Erin M Klein, Ran MacParland, Sonya Michalak, Thomas I Ramji, Alnoor Shaheen, Abdel-Aziz M WANG, BO Whiteside, Douglas P
  • Note: this grant is administered at the University of Calgary

Optimizing outcomes for patients presenting to emergency departments with opioid poisoning - $1,526,175

  • Principal investigator(s): Hohl, Corinne M; Archambault, Patrick; Brooks, Steven C; Chandra, Kavish; Daoust, Raoul; Dong, Kathryn A; Fok, Patrick T; Grunau, Brian E; Kestler, Andrew; Lock, Kurt; Lysyshyn, Mark; McRae, Andrew D; Moe, Jessica; Morrison, Laurie J; Orkin, Aaron M; Perry, Jeffrey J; Rosychuk, Rhonda J; Stone-McLean, Jordan
  • Co-investigators: Baril, Chloé; Byrne, Christopher M; Cheng, Ivy S; Cook, Jolene; Davis, Seth N; Hayward, Jake; Kareemi, Hashim; Leeies, Murdoch A; Li, Siying; McGrail, Kimberlyn M; Mercier, Eric; Plamondon, Vicky; Purssell, Elizabeth; Scheuermeyer, Frank; VandenBerg, Stephanie D; Wiemer, Hana M; Zuidhof, Aron
  • Note: this grant is administered at the University of British Columbia

Standardizing and optimizing the assessment of risk of bias in vaccine effectiveness studies to improve evidence synthesis and guideline development -$459,000

  • Principal investigator(s): Sulis Giorgia; Brouwers, Melissa C
  • Co-investigators: Alonso, Pablo; Florez, Ivan D; Lê, Maxime; Moher, David; Sadarangani, Manish; Sundaram, Maria; Wells, George A; Wilkinson, Krista
  • Note: this grant is administered at the University of Ottawa

Putting RESPECT at the centre of person-centred care: Evaluation of a risk communication tool supporting earlier conversations about decline and palliative care needs in long-term care - $459,000

  • Principal investigator(s): Hsu, Amy T; Ewa, Vivian; Friesen, Steven; Hampel, Claudia E; Manuel, Douglas G; Presseau, Justin; Quail, Patrick B; Thavorn, Kednapa
  • Co-investigators: Anderson, Sharon D; Bennett, Carol; Crawshaw, Jacob; Fanous, Samuel; Fisher, Stacey L; Guinand, Taurian; Isenberg, Sarina R; Kobewka, Daniel M; Lessard, Lysanne; Murmann, Maya; Oyebanji, Olubunmi; Parmar, Jasneet; Roberts, Rhiannon; Tanuseputro, Peter; Wilson, Kumanan

#Harmfulproductmarketing: The Digital Marketing of Unhealthy Food, Alcohol, Gambling, Vape and Cannabis Products to Youth, the Impact of Policy Environment and Key Policy Solutions- $428,400

  • Principal investigator(s): Potvin Kent, Monique C; Elton-Marshall, Tara E; Gruben, Vanessa; Hammond, David G; Knai, Cecile; Ramsay, Timothy O; Vanderlee, Lana M
  • Co-investigators: Backholer, Kathryn; Bhatti, Asim; Pauzé, Elise; Vergeer, Laura
  • Note: this grant is administered at the University of Ottawa

Optimizing patient-centered outcomes Using opioid minimization Strategies (OPUS) Pilot Trial- $386,326

  • Principal investigator(s): Verret, Michael; Fergusson, Dean A; Lalu, Manoj M; Turgeon, Alexis F
  • Co-investigators: Archambault, Patrick; Bérubé, Mélanie; Carrier, François M; D'Aragon, Frederick; Desjardins, Philippe; Gilron, Ian; Girard, Martin; Graham, Megan; Khan, James S; Ladha, Karim; Lauzier, François; Lee, Susan M; Lehmann, Christian; Martel, Guillaume; Mccluskey, Stuart A; McIsaac, Daniel I; Moore, Lynne; Nicholls, Stuart G; Poulin, Patricia A; Spence, Jessica; Uppal, Vishal; Wijeysundera, Duminda N; Zarychanski, Ryan
  • Note: this grant is administered at Université Laval

L’Hôpital d’Ottawa se démarque par ses soins, sa recherche et son enseignement comme hôpital universitaire fièrement affilié à l’Université d’Ottawa et soutenu par la Fondation de l’Hôpital d’Ottawa.