
Des chercheurs de L’Hôpital d’Ottawa obtiennent 14 subventions de recherche d’une valeur de plus de 10 M$ des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada

le 18 juillet 2024

Quatorze nouveaux projets financés par les Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC) dans le cadre de leurs plus récents concours de subventions de fonctionnement et de l’Initiative sur les essais cliniques novateurs de la Stratégie de recherche axée sur le patient sont menés par des chercheurs de L’Hôpital d’Ottawa.

Ces projets, d’une valeur supérieure à 10 millions de dollars, feront progresser la science et permettront d’améliorer la santé dans divers domaines comme le cancer de la prostate, les thromboses, les AVC hémorragiques, le développement prénatal, la mésinformation sur la santé, les maladies hépatiques, les hémorragies sous-arachnoïdiennes, la reproductibilité des revues systématiques, les psychédéliques sérotonergiques, la déclaration des maladies, les consultations virtuelles d’anesthésiologie, le taux de suicide des premiers intervenants, la détection de maladies pendant la grossesse, et la langue des soins.

Nos chercheurs codirigent également des subventions administrées par d’autres établissements d’un montant d’au moins 3 millions de dollars.

« Les succès des IRSC sont le fruit de la créativité, du professionnalisme et de la collaboration de nos chercheurs et de leurs équipes. Le financement de ces projets novateurs ouvre la voie à des avancées révolutionnaires dans le domaine des sciences biomédicales, à l’amélioration des soins aux patients et à des progrès en matière de santé à l'échelle mondiale », a déclaré la Dre Rebecca Auer, vice-présidente exécutive, Recherche et Innovation, à L’Hôpital d’Ottawa et professeure à l’Université d’Ottawa.

Les nouvelles subventions comprennent les suivantes :

Subventions accordées dans le cadre du concours Projet des IRSC administrées à l’IRHO

TRIPLE-SWITCH: A Randomized Clinical Trial for the Addition of Docetaxel to Androgen Receptor Pathway Inhibitors (ARPI) and Androgen Deprivation Treatment (ADT) in Patients with Metastatic Castration-Sensitive Prostate Cancer (mCSPC) and Suboptimal PSA Response- $2,487,015

  • Principal Investigator(s): Ong, Michael; Jafri, Mariam
  • Co-Investigator(s): Hotte, Sebastien; Reaume, Martin N; Parulekar, Wendy R; Brundage, Michael D; Wyatt, Alexander W; Soleimani, Maryam; Chi, Kim N; Pouliot, Frédéric; Ding, Keyue

Low-dose direct oral anticoagulant compared to aspirin for the thromboprophylaxis of patients with JAK2-positive myeloproliferative neoplasms- $1,350,226

  • Principal Investigator(s): Kimpton, Miriam; Delluc, Aurelien
  • Co-Investigator(s): Villeneuve, Pierre; Cerquozzi, Sonia; Cervi, Andrea L; Gauthier, Karine; Gupta, Vikas; Hayden, Anna; Hillis, Christopher M; Carrier, Marc; Siegal, Deborah M; Lazo-Langner, Alejandro; lee, Stephanie G; Melo Garcia, Luciana; Shivakumar, Sudeep P; Szuber, Natasha; Toupin, Dominique; Wu, Cynthia M; Ramsay, Timothy O; Habib, Laura Anne

International Care Bundle Evaluation in Cerebral Hemorrhage (I-CATCHER)- $1,300,500

  • Principal Investigator(s): Dowlatshahi, Dariush; Shamy, Michel C; Anderson, Craig S; Demchuk, Andrew M; Ferguson, Emma
  • Co-Investigator(s): Nicholls, Stuart G; Kelly, Michael; Lindsay, Mary Patrice; Thavorn, Kednapa; Singh, Nishita; Graham, Brett; Gioia, Laura C; Hu, Sherry X; Katsanos, Aristeidis; Schaafsma, Joanna D; Shoamanesh, Ashkan; Presseau, Justin; Verreault, Steve; Jalini, Shirin; Field, Thalia S; Swartz, Richard; Khaw, Alexander V; Kate, Mahesh P

Prenatal exposure of low-dose methylmercury causes abnormal neurodevelopment and its underlying mechanisms- $1,151,326

  • Principal Investigator(s): Wang, Jing; Chan, Laurie H

Targeting misinformation-associated health behaviours: Using the tools of implementation science - $983,024

  • Principal Investigator(s): Brehaut, Jamie C; Presseau, Justin
  • Co-Investigator(s): McCleary, Nicola; Patey, Andrea M; Nicholls, Stuart G; Weijer, Charles E; Graham, Ian D; Taljaard, Monica; Colquhoun, Heather

Regulating the Functions of Human Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells to Fight Liver Disease- $856,800

  • Principal Investigator(s): Gage, Blair K
  • Co-Investigator(s): Andrews, Tallulah S

Establishing An International Core Outcome Set for Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH) - What and How to Measure Outcomes in SAH Research- $726,752

  • Principal Investigator(s): English, Shane W; Marti, Maria Luisa; Presseau, Justin; Shea, Beverley J; Andersen, Christopher R
  • Co-Investigator(s): Delaney, Anthony; Marshall, Shawn C; Chasse, Michael; Lauzier, François; McIntyre, Lauralyn A; Tugwell, Peter S; Fergusson, Dean A; Niznick, Naomi; Turgeon, Alexis F; Blain-Moraes, Stefanie; Terrett, Luke A; Zha, Xiaohui; Redekop, Gary J; Algird, Almunder; Scales, Damon C; Kramer, Andreas H; Kutsogiannis, Demitrios J; Pickett, Gwynedd E; Sadan, Ofer; Ramsay, Timothy O; Miller, Leslie A; Bulters, Diederik

Reproducibility of systematic reviews with meta-analysis: relevance to clinical practice guidelines- $360,138

  • Principal Investigator(s): Moher, David
  • Co-Investigator(s): Sulis, Giorgia; Little, Julian; Bodnaruc, Alexandra M; Munn, Zachary; Page, Matthew J; Tricco, Andrea C; Brouwers, Melissa C

A living systematic review, meta-analysis and dose-response of randomized controlled trials testing serotonergic psychedelics: efficacy, acceptability, tolerability, safety and publication bias within and across health conditions- $348,076

  • Principal Investigator(s): Solmi, Marco; Veroniki, Areti Angeliki
  • Co-Investigator(s): Fiedorowicz, Jess G; Hatcher, Simon; Husain, Muhammad I; Fabiano, Nicholas; Rosenblat, Joshua D; Ladha, Karim; Mayo, Leah M; Nicholls, Stuart G; Tanuseputro, Peter; Wong, Stanley K; Myran, Daniel; Shlik, Jakov; White, Tracy; Moher, David; Saraf, Gayatri; Rubaiyat, Arafat R; Yatham, Lakshmi N

Development of reporting guidelines for modelling studies of noncommunicable diseases- $320,536

  • Principal Investigator(s): Manuel, Douglas G; Mytton, Oliver
  • Co-Investigator(s): Moher, David; Rahgozar, Arya; Webber, Laura; Amini, Seyed M; Presseau, Justin; Meza, Rafael; van Allen, Zack; Bennett, Carol; Hennessy, Deirdre A; Fisher, Stacey L

VIRTUAL Study: Virtual vs In peRson comparaTive effectiveness evaluation of Anesthesiology consuLtations- $271,576

  • Principal Investigator(s): McIsaac, Daniel I; Trivedi, Vatsal; Moloo, Husein; Holst, Patricia A; Wijeysundera, Duminda N
  • Co-Investigator(s): Pelland, Amélie M; Wyand, Anna E; Berrio Valencia, Marta; Gagné, Sylvain; Ke, Xue Chen; Lalu, Manoj M; Breau, Rodney H; Lavallée, Luke T; Martel, Guillaume; Bryson, Gregory L; Beckerleg, Weiwei; Hallet, Julie; McIsaac, Sarah; Flexman, Alana M; Boet, Sylvain; Aucoin, Sylvie D; Van Walraven, Carl; Hladkowicz, Emily; Ip, Vivian; Taljaard, Monica; Talarico, Robert F; Engel, Jake; Kobewka, Daniel M; Martin, Janet; MacDonald, David B

The experience of public safety personnel (PSP) families after a suicide and PSP organizations response to a suicide: A qualitative study and creation of a family-centred response guide to PSP suicides- $267,751

  • Principal Investigator(s): Hatcher, Simon; Cramm, Heidi
  • Co-Investigator(s): Campbell, Margaret; Ricciardelli, Rose; Genest, Christine; Wieler, Lisbeth A; MacLean, Sarah

Respiratory Assessment among Pregnant Individuals for Detecting febrile infections in Ottawa, Ontario- $100,000

  • Principal Investigator(s): El-Chaâr, Darine; McGuinty, Michaeline
  • Co-Investigator(s): Wilson, Kumanan; Walker, Mark C; Dunn, Sandra I; Cook, Jocelynn L; Cameron, D.William; Fakhraei, Romina; Rennicks White, Ruth; Clancy, Aisling A; Walker, Heather A; Scremin Souza, Sara

The impact of language on care and outcomes in patients with prostate or breast cancer- $100,000

  • Principal Investigator(s): Wang, Tzu-Fei; Tanuseputro, Peter
  • Co-Investigator(s): Carrier, Marc; Xu, Yan; Backman, Chantal; Webber, Colleen; Kehoe MacLeod, Krystal J; Fisher, Stacey L; Li, Wenshan; Myran, Daniel; Reaume, Michael; Johnston, Sharon E; Patel, Kruti; Bossé, Dominick; Awan, Arif A; Forgues, Eric; Batista, Ricardo; Cheung, Angela; Moledina, Aliza; Cole, Katherine M; Ong, Michael


Subventions accordées dans le cadre du concours Projet des IRSC avec des chercheurs principaux de l’IRHO – administrées dans un autre établissement 

Effects of donor-recipient sex-matched versus sex-mismatched red blood cell transfusion on outcomes in critically ill adult patients- $2,084,624

  • Principal Investigator(s): Michelle Paula Zeller, Dean A Fergusson
  • Co-Investigators: Acker, Jason P; Adhikari, Neill K; Arnold, Donald M; Callum, Jeannie L; Cook, Richard J; English, Shane W; Heddle, Nancy M; Lin, Yulia; Pendergrast, Jacob M; Rochwerg, Bram N; Shih, Andrew W; Solh, Ziad; Webert, Kathryn E; Xie, Feng
  • Note: this grant is administered at McMaster University

Altering the gut microbiome in triple-negative breast cancer: a pilot study - $1,510,875

  • Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Mark Basik, Dr. Saman Maleki, Dr. Terry L. Ng
  • Co-Investigators: Dr. Adriana Aguilar, Dr. S. Parvathy, Dr. Jacques Raphael, Dr. Michael Silverman
  • Note: this grant is administered at CIUSSS de Centre-Ouest-de-l'Ile-de-Montréal-Jewish General

Establishing the Framework for Decentralized Hepatitis C Point-of-Care Testing and Treatment in Canada: An Implementation Science-based Approach - $656,371

  • Principal Investigator(s): Fontaine, Guillaume; Bartlett, Sofia R; Biondi, Mia J; Dickie, Melisa C; Feld, Jordan J; Grebely, Jason; Klein, Marina B; Presseau, Justin
  • Co-Investigators: Barnett, Tamara L; Bruneau, Julie; Dunn, Kate; Elakpa, Daniel N; Etherington, Cole; Gilbert, Mark P; Greenaway, Christina A; Janjua, Naveed Z; Jassem, Agatha N; Mendlowitz, Andrew B; Taylor, Natalie J; Vesnaver, Elisabeth
  • Note: this grant is administered at CIUSSS de Centre-Ouest-de-l'Ile-de-Montréal-Jewish General

Redéfinir la neuro-imagerie pour les patients âgés/adultes souffrant de traumatisme crâniocérébral léger- $1,189,576

  • Principal Investigator(s): Emond, Marcel; Benhamed, Axel; Blanchard, Pierre-Gilles; D'Astous, Myreille; Malo, Christian; Yadav, Krishan
  • Co-Investigators: Balen, Frederic; Batomen Kuimi, Brice Lionel; Berger Pelletier, Elyse; Brousseau, Audrey-Anne; Brubacher, Jeffrey R; Clark, Greg; de Wit, Kerstin; Ellis, Brittany; Lessard, Justine; Mercier, Eric; Ringuette Goulet, Cassandra; Stiell, Ian G
  • Note: this grant is administered at Université Laval

Renin-Guided Therapy with Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists in Primary Aldosteronism - Feasibility Study (RETAME-PA)- $260,000

  • Principal Investigator(s): Remi Goupil, Greg Hundemer, Greg Kline, and Alex Leung
  • Co-Investigators: Agharazii, Mohsen; Bourdeau, Isabelle; Collister, David; Dubrofsky, Lisa; merabtine, amel; Nadeau-Fredette, Annie-Claire; Prebtani, Ally; Tennankore, Karthik K
  • Note: this grant is administered at CIUSSS du Nord-de-l'Ile-de Montréal - Hôpital Sacré Coeur

Accelerating and standardizing assessment of acute lung injury using an artificial intelligence based approach - $100,000

  • Principal Investigator(s): Arvind Mer, Manoj Lalu
  • Principal Knowledge User: Patricia Liaw
  • Co-Investigators: Dean Fergusson, Sean Gill, Majid Komeili, Braedon McDonald, Haibo Zhang
  • Collaborators: Julie Bastarache, Angela Crawley, Claudia Dos Santos, Alison Fox-Robichaud, Arnold Scott Kristof, Christian Lehmann, Arya Rahgozar, Patricia Rocco, Eric Schmidt, Duncan Stewart, Bernard Thebaud
  • Collaborator Patient Partners: Marie-Maxime Bergeron, Laurie Proulx, Sehar Saeed
  • Note: this grant is administered at uOttawa

 Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN) Renewal -$15,000,000

  • Principal Investigator(s): Halperin, Scott A; Andrew, Melissa K; Bettinger, Julie A; Bolotin, Shelly; Brisson, Marc; Buchan, Sarah; Cowan, Juthaporn; Dubé, Eve; Greyson, Devon; Hatchette, Todd F; Heffernan, Jane M; Kwong, Jeffrey C; Langley, Joanne M; MacDonald, Shannon E; McNeil, Shelly A; Muller, Matthew P; Parsons Leigh, Jeanna J; Sadarangani, Manish; Top, Karina A
  • Co-Investigators: Abu-Raya, Bahaa H; Alcantara, Joenel; Boivin, Guy; Brousseau, Nicholas; Buchan, Catharine A; Burchell, Ann N; Burton, Catherine; Carazo, Sara; Cheng, Matthew P; Comeau, Jeannette L; Constantinescu, Cora M; Cooper, Curtis L; Deeks, Shelley L; Dionne, Marc; Driedger, S. Michelle; Elsherif, MAY S; Fitzpatrick, Tiffany; Gantt, Soren M; Graham, Janice E; Halperin, Donna M; Isenor, Jennifer; Janjua, Naveed Z; Jardine, Cynthia; Jassem, Agatha N; Jubis, Vanessa; Katz, Kevin C; Kellner, James D; Kiely, Marilou; LeBlanc, Jason J; Loeb, Mark B; McGeer, Allison J; Meier-Stephenson, Vanessa; Meyer, Samantha; Moghadas, Seyed M; Morris, Shaun K; Mulpuru, Sunita; O'Brien, Celine Y; Papenburg, Jesse; Perez, Samara; Pernica, Jeffrey; Pham-Huy, Anne; Quach-Thanh, Caroline; Rizzuti, Francesco A; Rosberger, Zeev; Rouleau, Isabelle; Salter, Katherine; Shapiro, Gilla; Sheffield, Holden; Smith, Stephanie W; Smolarchuk, Christa D; Tremblay, Cécile L; Trottier, Sylvie; Ulanova, Marina; Valiquette, Louis; Vanderkooi, Otto G; Verschoor, Chris P; Vivion, Maryline; Ward, Brian J; Wilson, Sarah; Witteman, Holly M
  • Note: this grant is administered at Dalhousie University (Nova Scotia)

L’Hôpital d’Ottawa se démarque par ses soins, sa recherche et son enseignement comme hôpital universitaire fièrement affilié à l’Université d’Ottawa et soutenu par la Fondation de l’Hôpital d’Ottawa.