
It’s time to talk about our relationship with research: new guide for health organizations

mars 2, 2022

Dr. Ian GrahamDr. Ian GrahamResearch has the power to save lives and improve our health care system, but to realize the greatest benefits from research, hospitals and other health organizations need to systematically incorporate it into their decision-making and planning.

A new report from Drs. Ian Graham, Sarah Bowen and Ingrid Botting provides a toolkit for health organizations that want to improve their relationship with research and make research work for them, rather than overwhelm them. Titled “It’s time to talk about our relationship with research,” the report outlines how health organizations and programs can make proactive decisions around research, rather than simply responding to external demands or maintaining traditional practice. It also includes a decision tree to guide the response to requests for data, partnership, funding etc.

Organizations such as HealthCareCAN and the Canadian College of Health Leaders have supported the guide and helped disseminate it to hospitals across Canada.

Dr. Graham leads Canada’s Integrated Knowledge Translation Research Network and is a member of The Ottawa Hospital’s Centre for Implementation Research and Ottawa Methods Centre, as well as the University of Ottawa.  

A French version of the report is coming soon.

Funding: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (FDN #143237)

The Ottawa Hospital is a leading academic health, research and learning hospital proudly affiliated with the University of Ottawa and supported by The Ottawa Hospital Foundation

Media contact

Jennifer Ganton
Director, Communications and Public Relations
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute